



Dear Hiring Manager,

Job Application for [Position Title]

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]




1. 格式

a. 称呼:使用敬称,如Dear Hiring Manager。

b. 正文开头:简洁明了,使用吸引雇主注意力的语句。

c. 结尾:表达感谢,并注明联系方式。

d. 字体和排版:使用易于阅读的字体,合理安排段落和标题,使求职信清晰易读。

2. 内容

a. 自我介绍:简明扼要地介绍自己的基本信息,如姓名、学历、专业等。

b. 工作经验:突出与职位相关的实践经验和技能,强调自己的工作成果和贡献。

c. 技能和证书:列举与职位相关的技能和证书,突出自己的专业素质。

d. 兴趣爱好:适当提及自己的兴趣爱好,展示个人品质和性格特点。

e. 结尾:表达对职位的兴趣和渴望得到面试机会的愿望。

3. 语言风格

a. 简洁明了:避免使用复杂的语句和长句,使用简单易懂的词汇和句式。

b. 积极向上:使用正面的语言和表达方式,展示自信和积极向上的态度。

c. 客观真实:避免夸大自己的能力和经验,保持客观真实的态度。



Dear Hiring Manager,

Job Application for Sales Representative Position at [Company Name]

My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to express my interest in the Sales Representative position available at [Company Name]. With my strong communication skills and extensive experience in sales, I believe I would be a great fit for this role.

In my previous position at [Previous Company], I successfully developed and maintained relationships with clients, resulting in increased sales and revenue for the company. Additionally, I possess excellent negotiation skills and am able to manage multiple projects simultaneously, which would be valuable assets in this role.

I am excited about the opportunity to join [Company Name] and contribute to its continued success and growth. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to discussing my qualifications further. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Contact Information].

[Your Name]


Dear Hiring Manager,

Job Application for Administrative Assistant Position at [Company Name]

I am writing to express my interest in the Administrative Assistant position listed at [Company Name]. With my strong organizational skills and attention to detail, I believe I would be a great fit for this role.

In my previous position as an administrative assistant at [Previous Company], I was able to manage multiple projects effectively and maintain a high level of customer service. Additionally, I possess excellent communication skills and am able to work independently or as part of a team, which would be essential in this role. My strong work ethic and ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously would also be a great asset for this role.
感谢您的关注,期待您的回复。希望这份工作能够顺利落定到合适的人选!加油!如果您觉得合适的人选未果或有需要后续完善的机会也请第一时间联系我,非常感谢!再次表达对此职位的热切期望并诚挚希望能获得这次面试的机会! [您的名字] 谢谢!希望我们有机会可以共事![表情]手握手
