




Resume in English: Apply for General Manager Position


Personal Information

Name: John Smith
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: xxxx
Contact No.: xxx-xxxx-xxxx
Email: john.smith@example.com
Residence: xxxx City, xxxx Province

Education Background

Bachelor of Business Administration, xxxx University, Major in Management
Graduate Certificate in Leadership Development, xxxx Business School

Work Experience

1. Manager of Marketing Department, xxxx Company, xxxx -Present
Responsibilities: Lead marketing team to develop and implement marketing strategies, oversee the execution of campaigns, analyze market trends and evaluate business performance. Achievements: Increased revenue by xx% by repositioning product line, Won xx national marketing awards for outstanding performance.

2. Vice President, xxxx Group, xxxx -20xx
Responsibilities: Responsible for managing multiple subsidiaries and overseeing their financial performance. Developed and implemented strategic plans that resulted in increased revenues and profits. Achievements: Led the company to achieve record-breaking revenues and profits, Won xx industry awards for outstanding leadership.

Skills and Certificates

Proficient in MS Office Suite, including Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. Fluent in English and Chinese languages. Proficient in strategic planning, leadership development, and team building. Possess a Graduate Certificate in Leadership Development from xxxx Business School.


Proven track record of leading teams to achieve exceptional results. Excellent strategic thinker with the ability to identify market trends and develop winning strategies. Possess strong communication and interpersonal skills, able to build strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders. Adaptable to change and able to lead through challenging times. Pursuit of continuous learning and development, with a strong desire to grow and excel in a leadership role.


With my proven track record of success in marketing, management, and leadership, I am confident that I am well-positioned to assume the role of General Manager at your company. With my experience and skills, I am able to drive revenue growth, improve operational efficiency, and build a strong team that will help your company achieve its goals. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your organization.






